June 4, 2016. The beginning of the holiday season in the city of Sochi. While many people have just started dreaming about the sun and the sea, triathletes will be already enjoying the beauties of the Olympic capital over the distance and while relaxing.

The Russian Cup, the Open Championships and Krasnodar Region Championship IRONSTAR SPRINT TRIATHLON SOCHI 2016 for age group athletes and professionals over the distances: 0.75-km swim, 20-km bike, 5-km run. Everyone is welcome.
The Russian Cup, the Open Championships and Krasnodar Region Championship IRONSTAR SPRINT TRIATHLON SOCHI 2016 for age group athletes and professionals over the distances: 0.75-km swim, 20-km bike, 5-km run. Everyone is welcome.

Sochi is the best venue for holding fast and safe races. Besides, all the events at such sports weekend are going to be very spectacular due to the splendid views of 2014 Winter Olympics capital and its outskirts. Numerous tourists coming to Sochi will provide the support necessary for the sportsmen.  

The swimming stage of the competition is held in the yacht marine of the Imeretinsky Bay. Yacht port’s waters are safely protected from gales with two piers, which secures more advantageous conditions in comparison with the open sea to the sportsmen. The temperature in the Bay is 2 degrees warmer than the one in the open waters of the Black Sea, and varies from 17 to 25 degrees during the period from June to October.

The cycling course starts in «Imeretinsky» Resort & Hotel and runs along Sochi Opympic Park. The participants of the competition will have an exclusive opportunity to enjoy the views of 2014 Winter Olympics objects while cycling along the flat country road at the maximal speed, full of adrenaline, inspired by the spirit of the 2014 Winter Olympics victories.

The race ends with the running stage around «Imeretinsky» Resort & Hotel to the cries of the supporters and the roar of the Black Sea surf.

June 4, 2016. The beginning of the holiday season in the city of Sochi. While many people have just started dreaming about the sun and the sea, the triathletes will be already enjoying the beauties of 2014 Winter Olympics capital at the distance and while relaxing.

More about this type of competition

0,75 km
20 km
5 km
25,75 km
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IRONSTAR INDOOR CUP 2025 (III этап, дуатлон)