The second start of the season of IRONSTAR INDOOR TRIATHLON took place on November 28, 2015 and was marked with brilliant and even unexpected wins. Thus, Sergey Korobov from Trilife took first place among men
Congratulations! Are you happy with your results?
Sergey Korobov: I have not reached my targets in the swimming course because I am doing swimming only for three months from the ground up. My task for this competition was just to cover a necessary distance at a leisurely pace. But I am happy with the cycling course.
It is your first triathlon competition and it has brought you a win at once!
Sergey Korobov: Yes, and now I have to prop up my win.
Would you participate in other IRONSTAR starts? Which ones?
Sergey Korobov: For sure, I am going to participate in the next INDOOR, maybe in the “half-Ironman” in Kazan or Sochi. I have no plans for the end of the next season yet.
We look forward to seeing you at our competitions!