SWIMSTAR ONE MILE Геленджик 2024
Open water-swimming competition SWIMSTAR ONE MILE GELENDZHIK 2023 at a distance of one nautical mile (1,852 km).
Competitions are held in the cozy Gelendzhik Bay, closed from large waves, with warm water. Participation is allowed from 16 years old.
Fans will be able to watch you over the entire distance — the water area is perfectly visible from the shore.
The swim is held on the eve of the IRONSTAR triathlon competition — so you will start with the support of several thousand people.
1h 10m
M/F 16 — 29
M/F 30 — 39
M/F 40 — 49
M/F 50 — 59
M/F 60+
The following documents are required for admission to participate and receive the starter pack:
• ID card (passport or other eligible identification document)
• Medical Certificate revealing no contraindications for participating in a triathlon competition (template here)
• Sport Insurance (can be purchased from Personal Account)
• Signed waiver (can be signed on-site)
• Permission from parents (for participants under 18 years old) (can be signed on-site)
• Power of Attorney (in free form) in case the participant asked a third party to take his/her starter pack
Documents’ requirements can be found here.
Tier 1: 3000 roubles
Tier 2: 4000 roubles
Tier 3: 5000 roubles
Wetsuits are allowed up to 24,6 C water temperature.
See you at SWIMSTAR!
More about this type of competition
1,85 km
Next race
IRONSTAR INDOOR CUP 2025 (I этап, дуатлон)
IRONSTAR INDOOR CUP 2025 (I этап, дуатлон)