We want to tell you about our participant from United Arab Emirates — Syed Zain ul Abidin Banuri. He will take part in IRONSTAR SPRINT TRIATHLON SOCHI in June, 3. It’s his first visit to Russia and triathlon in Sochi. But we are sure this is only the beginning for him.
Zain is 40 years old. He is from Pakistan and living in Dubai since 2006. He is Cyber Security Consultant and working for Intel based in Dubai. And he is father of 5 kids — a son and 4 daughters!
Zain was an athlete during his College and University days back in mid and end 1990s. But since he got into professional life he lost his edge. In 2008 he had a severe car accident that hurt his spine. “It took me nearly 3 years to fully recover and gain my courage and endurance”, — said Zain.
To gain his health back he started practicing yoga. And since May, 2015 he started participating in public and charity running events i.e. Wings for Life, Labor Charity Run, 3K and 10K Dubai Desert Run, Spartan Arabia and Tough Mudder Dubai Run.
“My first Triathlon was super-sprint in Dubai during October 2016 that I hardly finished within the timeline. Then I started participating in nearly every triathlon event held in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. I also participated in M1 Vertical Run that is held in Dubai toclimb up to 42 Floors of one of the tall buildings in Dubai”.

Recently, he started practicing swimming with I I Love Swimming team in Dubai. His trainer and organizers are from Russia. “They encouraged me to go for longer distances in triathlon and have given me proper guidance and courage by training me for swimming and running with proper techniques — I am really thankful to them”.
Russian friends have told Zain about IRONSTAR and as a dream of every triathlete to participate and complete the full iron distance, he decided to participate in it. “So I am happy that I have registered for IRONSTAR and I hope that I'll perform well during the event”.
So be it!