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How quickly and effectively recover after a workout?
Новички в спорте уверены, что только многочасовые ежедневные тренировки помогут достичь результата. Профессионалы знают – без восстановительных процедур вся работа не эффективна. К тому же, есть риск получить травму.

Newcomers in sport are sure that only hours of daily training will help them to achieve the result. Professionals know: all this work is ineffective without recovery procedures. In addition, there is a big risk of injury.
Experienced athletes don`t regret time and money spent on recovery. And because demand creates its own supply, many relevant services appeared on the market, for example, cryotherapy and infrared saunas.
This kind of service isn`t suitable for everyone. It is difficult to find couple of hours for the procedures in a tight schedule between flights, trainings and performances.
That is why professionals choose NormaTec system. The technology consists of compression "pants" and "sleeves" which use compressed air to massage muscles. The effect of using NormaTec can be felt already after 20-30 minutes.
Convenience of NormaTec is that you can recover even on the way home or to the competition. The kit includes integrated lithium-ion battery to operate autonomously.
NormaTec is used by many athletes, among those is basketball star LeBron James. The system has already proved itself to many NBA teams, and in the near future it will be adopted by the US Olympic Committee.
Pneumatic compression technology has been already used in medicine, but experts brought this method to a qualitatively new level and adapted the system for sport needs.
Buy NormaTec kit only once ― and you will be able to take a recovery course at any moment, regardless of the schedule density. In addition, you can forget about expensive procedures.
According to the American multi-champion of the Ironman races, Linsey Corbin, one hour with NormaTec after the hardest competition — and the next day your legs are ready for new tests. In one of her interviews she told that NormaTec had helped her with swelling and improved blood circulation of muscles.
NormaTec Company became official recovery system of Ironman contestants.